Detect the CPU Core Count From Silverlight

Nov 12, 2009

If you're are writing an application that is heavy on multi-threaded computations (e.g. full screen blur, game, or scientific data processing), you will want to know how many threads to run optimally.

Edit: just fixed a bug reported where the initial assesment woult be 0 msec, thanks Morten for reporting it!

The answer is easy: run as many threads as the CPU cores. For example, on Dual Core, you should run 2 threads and on Quad Core 4 threads.

Download Source Code

This is how to find the number of cores:

  1. Create a simple computing function (e.g. that adds +1 to a number continuously) and run it with 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 threads
  2. Measure the time it takes for the function to complete for each set of threads.

Once you hit the "core limit" of the client system, the time will significantly increase. Here's an example from my box:

  • 1 thread: 132 msec
  • 2 threads: 111 msec
  • 4 threads: 140 msec
  • 8 threads: 822 msec

If you look at the above data, you can easily tell I'm running on a quad-core system, because jumping from 4 to 8 threads significanly increases the computational time needed (more than 1.8 times).

This is how to use the source code:

int coreCount = PerformanceMeasure.GetCoreCount();

You can call the above function from the UI thread.

There are also two tweaks in the code that allows it to run roughly at the same speed on all machines and run faster on single-core machines too:

  • Once the core limit is hit, the algorithm stops. E.g. if you find that 4 threads take more than 1.8x the time as compared to 2 threads, this means you have 2 cores and there is no need to test with 8 threads
  • Before the main algorithm (above) starts, there is an estimation step, which calculates how many operations can be executed for 100 msec on 1 thread. This ensures that the assesment will run fast even on slow machines.

Please comment! I would be interesting to know how well the algorithm works and if it detected your cores as you expected!


Best Way To Clear WriteableBitmap?

Nov 11, 2009

If you're doing a lot of custom drawing using WriteableBitmap (e.g. full screen game), it will be extremely important to be able to clear the WriteableBitmap or "screen" quickly.

Lets assume you want to clear the screen to specific color.

What is the best way to do it?

Here is a short comparison of few methods to clear a 512x512 bitmap:

  • Clear with for loop: 1000 FPS
  • Clear with Array.Copy: 4100 FPS
  • Clear with Array.Clear: 11000 FPS

1. Clear with for() loop. This method is the most straight-forward, and also the slowest:

public static void ClearForLoop(int[] pixels, int len, int color)
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
        pixels[i] = color;

2. Clear by using Array.Copy. This method is not only fast, but it also allows to "clear" to an image (not just color), which is great if you have a pre-defined background or something like that.

public static void ClearArrayCopy(int[] pixels, int[] clearTo, int len)
    Array.Copy(clearTo, 0, pixels, 0, len);

This method assumes that you have already pre-initialized the "clear" bitmap (just do it once! :) with the color/image:

// note: do this ONCE!, NOT on every frame! obvious, but worth mentioning just in case

int[] clearScreen = new int[pixels.Length];

for (int i = 0; i < pixels.Length; i++)
    clearScreen[i] = color;

3. Clear with Array.Clear: the fastest way, but unfortunately allows you to clear to 0 only (meaning transparent image).

Array.Clear(pixels, 0, pixels.Length);

Depending on the application you'd either choose Array.CopyTo(), since it's the most versatile or Array.Clear(). You may also choose Array.CopyTo() over Array.Clear() because Array.CopyTo() is easily multithreaded, and can take advantage of multiple cores, while Array.Clear() currently runs on a single thread/core.

Note that all measurements assume single-core used. If you have multiple-core system you can improve the speed quite a bit by running those multithreaded.


Fast DrawLine() in Silverlight

Nov 6, 2009

How fast can you make it go?

How about this loop that draws the line:

int inc = incy1 * w + incx;
for (int i = 0; i < lenY; i++) {
    pixels[index >> PRECISION_SHIFT] = color;
    index += inc;

40FPS * 10000 lines = 400,000 lines/sec

Note: in my perf tests I did a single-threaded version, so if you have multiple cores (2-4), you might be able to get to more than 0.4mln lines/sec :)

I looked at the excellent posts from Rene about Drawing Shapes in Silverlight, and decided to give the DrawLine() code a whirl :) After trying to optimize it for some time, I ended up with code that runs twice as fast!

There is no sample here, because I expect that Rene will integrate it/try it out in his library (that’s really the best place for the code now to avoid multiple sample DLLs)

Here is the complete DrawLine() with my optimizations:

public static void DrawLineFast(this WriteableBitmap bmp, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color)
    // Use refs for faster access (really important!) speeds up a lot! 

    int w = bmp.PixelWidth;
    int[] pixels = bmp.Pixels;

    // Distance start and end point

    int dx = x2 - x1;
    int dy = y2 - y1;

    const int PRECISION_SHIFT = 8;

    // Determine slope (absoulte value)

    int lenX, lenY;
    int incy1;
    if (dy >= 0)
        incy1 = PRECISION_VALUE;
        lenY = dy;
        incy1 = -PRECISION_VALUE;
        lenY = -dy;

    int incx1;
    if (dx >= 0)
        incx1 = 1;
        lenX = dx;
        incx1 = -1;
        lenX = -dx;

    if (lenX > lenY)
    { // x increases by +/- 1

        // Init steps and start

        int incy = (dy << PRECISION_SHIFT) / lenX;
        int y = y1 << PRECISION_SHIFT;

        // Walk the line!

        for (int i = 0; i < lenX; i++)
            pixels[(y >> PRECISION_SHIFT) * w + x1] = color;
            x1 += incx1;
            y += incy;
    { // since y increases by +/-1, we can safely add (*h) before the for() loop, since there is no fractional value for y
        // Prevent divison by zero

        if (lenY == 0)

        // Init steps and start

        int incx = (dx << PRECISION_SHIFT) / lenY;
        int index = (x1 + y1 * w) << PRECISION_SHIFT;

        // Walk the line!

        int inc = incy1 * w + incx;
        for (int i = 0; i < lenY; i++)
            pixels[index >> PRECISION_SHIFT] = color;
            index += inc;

Summary of Optimizations Done

  • Moved from using float to using fixed point
  • Took advantage of the fact that if the line is longer in the y direction, vs the x direction (vertically-looking line), y will change by 1 on each iteration. This allows me to remove the multiplication in the innermost line drawing loop
  • Removed extra variables, so that remaining variables can be optimized by the JIT compiler, hopefully in CPU registers

Hope you like it! Please comment! Also, if you can make it faster, please do!



2x-4x Faster Living Noise

Nov 4, 2009

I wasn't quite satisfied with almost 50% CPU for v1 of the Living Noise here, so made some improvements.

The new version runs at 15-20% in low quality and about 30% in high quality..could be better but I tried... :)

The new version replaces the old one here:

If you don't see the "High Quality" checkbox, please refresh/delete your browser cache.

The source code is updated as well:

Summary of Optimizations

  • Changed to static threads and event signaling instead of creating threads on every frame
  • Added table lookup instead of division and shifts for blur (this improved perf about 30%)
  • Added "skip step": since most of the screen is black, if the blur finds black pixel, it jumps 8 pixels ahead and if it finds another black pixel, assumes that the line strip was black and does not do anything. To avoid having dots "stick" on the screen, the algorithm uses a sliding window on every Blur() to ensure that all pixels on the screen are verified at some point. (that was significant perf improvement as well)
  • Added artificial frame cap to 90 FPS

Hope you like it!



Special Effects: Living Noise

Nov 1, 2009

The Living Noise is an animated “flow” of particles. The particle trajectory is changed by using Perlin Noise (long live Ken Perlin!) I’m so excited. Perlin noise is used pretty much in all special effects – explosions, texture generation, water, clouds, mountains, terrain generation, twinkling stars, halo/weapon effects, etc..

Click below to see the Living Noise sample, which is just one way to use Noise:

Living Noise

Download the source code for Living Noise

Basic Explanation of Noise

If you hear about Perlin Noise for the first time, I bet you have a lot of questions like “how does it work?” and “what is it?” and maybe even “can my neighbors produce it?”

Here is my short explanation. I’m not very good at maths, thus will use my own words to describe things. If you’re math-savvy, check out Wikipedia or some scientific site out there for the exact description.

Perlin Noise is a “continuous noise”. What does it mean?

  • It’s noise, meaning that it appears to be random in nature. E.g. If you have a function color=Noise(x,y) and plot this on a picture, you’ll get random dots (or “noise”) everywhere! 
  • It’s continuous, meaning that it looks “smooth” when plotted on a surface (no “hard edges”)

The “continuous” part is very important! As you probably noticed, in nature things doesn’t just jump up-and-down, but look smooth and “continuous”. Take water for example: if you look at ocean waves, they do look kind of random, but at the same time they look smooth as well:


The Noise() function looks like this:

value = Noise(x, y, z)

Where value would typically be (depends on who implements it) between -1 and 1

The above noise is 3D because its function has 3 parameters: x, y, and z. There are also 1-D noise, 2-D noise, 4-D noise and so on.

For the Living Noise sample, I just need 2D but I implemented the 3D version for fun. It’s also slower, so if you’re using only 2D, don’t run the 3D version “just because” as I did.

Now is the time to look at how a 3D noise looks like. Take a look at this external sample, showing a 3d noise on a 2d surface. The Z coordinate means “time” in that sample, so you’ll see nice animated noise that looks like clouds a little bit J If you also read here you’ll better understand the meaning of “frequency”, “amplitude” and the other parameters as well.

Using Perlin Noise To Make Living Noise

By now you should be familiar with Perlin Noise and continuous noise. If you’re not please drop me a comment so I can explain it better 

Imagine a dot (or “particle”) on the screen. Let’s give our particle has some velocity (vx, vy) measured in [pixels/time], and a location (x,y). If we continuously draw the particle over time, we’ll see a straight line, which is boring and dull.

To make the particle more “interesting” we’ll modify its velocity over time as well.

Here are 3 examples of how can we modify the velocity:

  • Completely random: the particle will appear to jump everywhere (mostly around where it started)
  • Sinusoidal of some sort – the particle will appear to follow a sine-wave trajectory, better but not perfect…Anyone could see the motion is predictable.
  • Using continuous noise: the particle could go anywhere, but smoothly. There will be no jumpiness in behavior like in the first case, or predictable motion as in the second case: Living Noise! The particle travels smoothly, because the noise function is smooth. See Basic Explanation of Noise above and the external links for more info.

First, I compute the noise and store it into an image. Storing into an image is not the best way to do it (slower), but it helped me “debug” the noise visually.

The noise is pre-computed because it doesn’t need to change over time.

On every time step (CompositionTarget.Rendering), get the particle’s location, and find how its velocity will change based on the noise (see NoiseParticle.cs)

Adding Lots of Particles

Since we can do it for one particle, we can as well do it for 3000 to get a nice “flow-like” image. We’ll also add some color to each particle to make everything more interesting.

Making It Look Good

Now we have a screenfull of particles, they look pretty impressive, but it’s still just a “neat effect” and I could say not production-ready yet.

Here’s why:

  • The particles are just dots – too small and need to have quite a bit of those to make something useful
  • The particles doesn’t relate to each other, e.g. if two particles are close nearby I’d like them to “light up” or something like that. 
  • Third, I’d like all this to be able to look “organic”, meaning I should be able to compose complex particle interaction and behavior in code-behind (not just modify opacity)

The implication from the Third requirement is the most important – it means I intentionally chose to render the scene on WritableBitmap rather than having 3000 <Image /> controls on a Silverlight surface.

It also means that everything will get slower, and we’ll have to account for that (see Making It Scale below).

I’ll use a quite “hacky” method to implement the First and Third requirement:

Modified Blur

To make a dot appear “larger” than it is, we just blur it on every frame. That’s good but only blur will provide blurry image…we really need some definition in there as well.

The solution is to blur the “screen” and overlay with “sharp” scene on every frame. This means that the longer a pixel stays on screen the blurrier it gets (you can think about the dots “dissolving” into thin air), and also definition and sharpness of newly created dots is preserved.

Interestingly enough, dots that are close to each other will provide a bigger “blur cloud” which makes for some non-trivial effect of multiple dots gathering at the same place (Second requirement)

We also need to fade the screen just a bit on every frame otherwise we’ll end up with some huge color field (which might be good for another demo).

Making It Scale

If you follow everything so far, and used the classic algorithm for Blur, you’ll end up with the Living Noise. At this point, it might be too slow. We want to make it full screen, and also have it use not-too-much CPU, so that whatever we’re doing can have extra cycles for something else (e.g. in-game AI or other effects).

Optimized Blur

The default Gaussian blur is quite slow. The hack I’m using averages the 2 horizontal neighboring pixels for each pixel on screen, to achieve horizontal blur. Then do the same vertically, to get vertical blur. The 2 combined give us the so-called “box blur”, which is much faster than Gaussian blur without any noticeable fidelity decrease for the Living noise (if you don’t believe it, try both and see for yourself).


The nice thing about our optimized blur is that it can easily be multi-threaded. Since many people now have at least a dual-core system, having 2 threads to compute the blur really allows us to take it full screen!

As a further optimization, you can apply the blur every second, third, or fourth frame without having the quality degrade too bad – good if your game, or whatever you’re doing doesn’t have “make Living Noise” as the primary goal.

Making It Stick To Objects

Here you’ll see how the Third requirement in “Making It Look Good” pays off.

Adding “sticky” is easy: 

  1. Create a new WritableBitmap hitTestSurface
  2. Draw TextBlock or whatever you’d like the noise to “stick” to there 
  3. When calculating the velocity over time for the particles on every frame, revert the time for particles that hit a non-zero pixel on hitTestSurface

You’re Done!

Usages Of Living Noise

These come up from the top of my head: 

  • Just show it on the main menu like a cool tweak 
  • Use it as “living ornaments” to stuff (menus again) 
  • Explosions 
  • Weird space effect 
  • Engine exhaust. Should be fairly easy once and you can pick your “exhaust of choice” by changing the x or y value of the start location of the exhaust) 
  • Holes in the fabric of space – if you create particles from a circular shape, it can look like someone tore the space time continuum  

Further Noise Usage

I have not experimented a lot with these yet, but here are some ideas of what you could do with Noise in general: 

  • Clouds, in particular if you play with the octaves/sliding you can make clouds that appear moving towards or against you. 
  • If you draw a line dot by dot and modify every dot’s location based on noise you’ll likely get lightning effect 
  • Draw mountains by hand then modify the image with noise to add terrain artifacts. Note: there are many “noise generated terrains” out there. I’m proposing a manual + automated method to achieve best results and allow more tweaking 
  • Have some sin/cos movements (e.g. enemy battle ships), but modify the location of the ship using perlin noise. The ship will still move according to predictable trajectory, but it will look more interesting
  • Explosions (take the Living noise example and make the particles “die” fast). Also, it would be nice to make the particles fade more the further they are from the explosion for 2 reasons: o Looks more life-like o You can ensure that the explosion stays within a certain rage (e.g. 64x64 pixels) – this allows you to render an explosion fast, without the need to go fullscreen. You can have lots of explosions that way, and maybe one big “boss” explosion 
  • Lava flowing down a mountain (I have yet to see this): add gravity to the Living Noise, and instead of velocity modify the particle positions. You can use the “sticky” properly of the Living Noise to have it burn around rocks and/or other objects 
  • Other stuff  

References/Very Cool Stuff Links

Fast Blur:

Rene's blog (this demo was inspired by his realtime noise, although I used another slower algorithm):

Rick Barazza's cool samples: (found this from a colleague after he saw my demo)

Hope you liked this post! Please comment!



Top 3 Silverlight Features? Add Your Own

Oct 29, 2009

Click here to add your own and see what other people added:


1. Printing

2. Right-click

3. Full Databinding

What are yours? If you have anything in mind, the above link for customer feedback can help get your feature more visibility. 



Two Ways to Create High-Quality Glassy Controls in XAML

Sep 12, 2009

 However, there is one design trick that I'd love to master to give my applications that killer look -- the ability to give a control, be that a logo, a menu bar, or whatever, the ultra-glossy appearance, and especially the appearance that I've seen in these water ripples applications of the control having a shiny layer of water on them..  I don't necessarily need to achieve the ripple effect, but I'd love to know how to achieve the water layer appearance.


After receiving this in my e-mail box few days ago, I dug out two really amazing tutorials:


Blend Candy: Another Blue Glowing Glass Button in the style of Web 2.0

by LiquidBoy


Creating a Glass Button: The Complete Tutorial

by Martin Grayson

After clicking the above link, remember to check attachment that contains the actual complete tutorial on how to achieve the effect step-by-step in Blend.

This is the image from Martin's blog, just to get you hooked up! 




WPF/Silverlight Tutorials From My Previous Blog

Sep 12, 2009

This is the list of all posts I consider interesting from my old blog at

This blog now replaces the old one :)

Here's the list...hope you like it:


Exposed: 5 methods to create game loop: which is the best?

Anatomy of a Silverlight Game: Avoid Common Mistakes When Building Online Games

Play this Silverlight Game Online: Shock v2

Design and Effects:

Nice background image

Large Star Field - Take 2, how to make it look "deep" and more reallistic


Windows 7 Look-alike Taskbar Button Control in Silverlight

Motion Capture:

Human Movements - The Easiest Motion Capture File Format

Reallistic Human Movements in Silverlight - My Own Motion Capture Viewer!

Whitepapers and Tutorials: 

Anatomy of a Silverlight Game: Avoid Common Mistakes When Building Online Games

3 Easy Steps to WPF Pixel Shaders. Template Project and Five Shader Samples (Twirl UI, Light, Blobs, Grayscale and Wave reflection)


Windows Vista User Experience Guidelines: Designing controls, text style and tone, placement and many more

Building 1977 Computer Emulator in Silverlight

Image Effects with Silverlight: Creating the Saturation Light Sample

Optimizing WPF 3D scenes for Tier-2 Hardware (roughly Pixel Shader 2.0+)

Beginner Samples:

Cool Silverlight Splash Screen Concept Demo (including Source Code)

Ray Tracing in Silverlight

Blobbying #1 - Introducing Blob the Builder

XAML Load support in Cider May CTP Release. Sample app.

Web Services/Authentication/HTML Integration:

ASP.NET Authentication for Silverlight Applications (Accessing ASP.NET Membership, Profile and Role Services)

Silverlight: How to Make Your WCF Web Service Work for All Users

Calling Web Services and Accessing UI from Timer Event in Silverlight

Visual Studio 2008 Walkthrough: Creating, Hosting and Using WCF Services with Silverlight 2

Configuring IIS 7 to work with WCF Web Services for Silverlight 2


Reading Embedded Resources

Super Cool Visual Studio Color Schemes and Fonts

.NET Debugging Tricks: Formatting Class Appearance in the VS Watch Window

Setting Cookies in Silverlight

Binding Animation To and From Properties

Converting RTF on the Clipboard To XAML

Retrieving Information From Excel 2007 Files

RichTextBox Tips  

The Cool Windows 7 Selection in XAML

Aug 26, 2009

Here's the XAML to make a selection rectangle similar to the one in Win7:

        <Grid Height="22" Width="300" > 
            <Rectangle Stroke="#FF7DA2CE" RadiusX="2" RadiusY="2">
                    <LinearGradientBrush EndPoint="0.5,1" StartPoint="0.5,0">
                        <GradientStop Color="#FFDCEBFC" Offset="0" />
                        <GradientStop Color="#FFC1DBFC" Offset="1" />
            <Rectangle Margin="1" Stroke="#FFEBF4FD" RadiusX="2" RadiusY="2" Fill="{x:Null}">




Aug 24, 2009

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This is my first blog nice! :)

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About the author

Happy & enjoying life. Software enthusiast.
The opinions I express here and on are mine and not my employeer's (Microsoft).
This is the official blog of You can find Silverlight samples, coding stuff, and hopefully other interesting things here.