How fast can you make it go?
How about this loop that draws the line:
int inc = incy1 * w + incx;
for (int i = 0; i < lenY; i++) {
pixels[index >> PRECISION_SHIFT] = color;
index += inc;
40FPS * 10000 lines = 400,000 lines/sec
Note: in my perf tests I did a single-threaded version, so if you have multiple cores (2-4), you might be able to get to more than 0.4mln lines/sec :)
I looked at the excellent posts from Rene about Drawing Shapes in Silverlight, and decided to give the DrawLine() code a whirl :) After trying to optimize it for some time, I ended up with code that runs twice as fast!
There is no sample here, because I expect that Rene will integrate it/try it out in his library (that’s really the best place for the code now to avoid multiple sample DLLs)
Here is the complete DrawLine() with my optimizations:
public static void DrawLineFast(this WriteableBitmap bmp, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color)
// Use refs for faster access (really important!) speeds up a lot!
int w = bmp.PixelWidth;
int[] pixels = bmp.Pixels;
// Distance start and end point
int dx = x2 - x1;
int dy = y2 - y1;
const int PRECISION_SHIFT = 8;
// Determine slope (absoulte value)
int lenX, lenY;
int incy1;
if (dy >= 0)
lenY = dy;
lenY = -dy;
int incx1;
if (dx >= 0)
incx1 = 1;
lenX = dx;
incx1 = -1;
lenX = -dx;
if (lenX > lenY)
{ // x increases by +/- 1
// Init steps and start
int incy = (dy << PRECISION_SHIFT) / lenX;
int y = y1 << PRECISION_SHIFT;
// Walk the line!
for (int i = 0; i < lenX; i++)
pixels[(y >> PRECISION_SHIFT) * w + x1] = color;
x1 += incx1;
y += incy;
{ // since y increases by +/-1, we can safely add (*h) before the for() loop, since there is no fractional value for y
// Prevent divison by zero
if (lenY == 0)
// Init steps and start
int incx = (dx << PRECISION_SHIFT) / lenY;
int index = (x1 + y1 * w) << PRECISION_SHIFT;
// Walk the line!
int inc = incy1 * w + incx;
for (int i = 0; i < lenY; i++)
pixels[index >> PRECISION_SHIFT] = color;
index += inc;
Summary of Optimizations Done
- Moved from using float to using fixed point
- Took advantage of the fact that if the line is longer in the y direction, vs the x direction (vertically-looking line), y will change by 1 on each iteration. This allows me to remove the multiplication in the innermost line drawing loop
- Removed extra variables, so that remaining variables can be optimized by the JIT compiler, hopefully in CPU registers
Hope you like it! Please comment! Also, if you can make it faster, please do!